

At the office of Dr. Courtenay Poucher, MD FACOG, we ensure patient needs are met with our accommodating financial policies.   Our patients’ are consistently among the top of our priority list and we want keep our services as accessible as possible.  Stressful financial complications do not have to be a factor in delaying your treatment at our practice.

We accept most major credit cards, these include VISA, American Express, Discover, and MasterCard.  Additionally, we offer CareCredit as a special financing option.  Patients who are cardholders can receive treatments not regularly covered by most insurances.

CareCredit can help you receive immediate treatment without worrying about upfront costs. You pay for your treatment over time in a series of low monthly payments.  By making the minimum payments each month, you can avoid paying interest. Our CareCredit option has helped numerous patients receive professional quality care at our office.

If you wish to further discuss our financial policies or CareCredit, please call us today to speak with our front desk.

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